4 Ways on How to Integrate Past, Present, and Future: bridging Life’s Bother in Today’s World

7 February 2024
Life's Bother


Time is our life’s architect and painter over the wide expanse of our existence. It creates a tapestry of experiences, difficulties, and goals by interlacing the strands of the past, present, and future  (Ya zamani, Sasa, Ya Baadaye) in Swahili to bridge life’s bother. 

This complex dance of temporal dimensions is a dynamic interaction that creates our identity and guides our maamuzi (decisions) rather than a straight evolution. 

Below is the Art of Integrating Our Past, Present, and Future In Bridging Life’s Bother

We will explore the skill of fusing the past, present, and future in this investigation, hoping to overcome obstacles in maisha (life) and accept the whole range of our path.

To Begin with, we Must Comprehend our Past to Bridge Life’s Bother: A Piece of Mosaic Wisdom

The past appears as a patchwork of events, a colorful tapestry made from the threads of our life stories. Every strand, every memory carved into the walls of time, adds to the complex tapestry of who we are. To incorporate the zamani (past), one must acknowledge it as a dynamic force that shapes the present and the future rather than as a static relic.

Using Reflection as a Growth Tool to Bridge Life’s Bother

By looking back at the past, we may see trends, draw lessons from successes and setbacks, and discover more about who we are. It’s more than just a sentimental diversion; it’s a deliberate attempt to draw insightful conclusions that can inform our current tabia (behavior). We give ourselves the ability to negotiate the intricacies of life with a better sense of self-awareness when we comprehend the origins of our beliefs, behaviors, and choices.

The Role of Memory

One amazing ability of the human mind is kumbukumbu (memory), which acts as a link between the past and the present. It enables us to preserve the lessons learned and the feelings experienced, allowing us to pass on the core of our experiences. But memory is not perfect; selective remembering and interpretation can affect it. Recognizing the limitations of memory while extracting the essential elements that support our development is necessary for integrating the zamani (past).

Take Home on Learning from Our Past:

  • People might learn important lessons from the past when they reflect on their prior experiences.
  • Making educated decisions is aided by having an understanding of failures and achievements.

Secondly, Accepting Our Current Situation to Bridge Life’s Bother: A Chart of Options

The threads of the past and future converge at the current instant. It serves as a canvas to draw the contours of our choices, deeds, and exchanges. The ability to be fully present and recognize the significance of each moment as it passes while still enjoying its beauty is the key to mastering the skill of integrating the sasa (present).

The Influence of Being Alert

The practice of utambuzi (mindfulness), which is based on being completely aware of the current moment, shows promise as a method for fusing the past and future. We can release ourselves from the constraints of automatic responses and interact with life in a more purposeful and meaningful way by practicing uzingativu (mindfulness). Instead of letting the vagaries of circumstance rule our decisions, this increased awareness enables us to make deliberate decisions that are consistent with our values.

Equilibrium Status of the Present

Today’s world requires careful balancing between taking advantage of fursa (opportunities) and overcoming obstacles. Resilience and adaptability are danced subtly when integrating the present. It asks us to recognize the transience of every moment, to embrace the good times without holding onto them, and to confront the bad times with fortitude. It takes deliberate effort to discover significance in the banal and to recognize the beauty in the everyday to maintain balance in the present.

Take home on Embracing our Present:

  •  One develops a greater appreciation for life by practicing mindfulness in the present.
  • Mental toughness and general well-being are improved when one finds delight in ordinary circumstances.

Thirdly, Looking Towards our Future to Bridge Life’s Bother: A Wide Range of Opportunities

The baadaye (future), which we stand on the cusp of, opens up before us as a horizon of possibilities molded by the choices and deeds of our past and present. Embracing the agency we have in directing our lives, accepting the certainty of change, and having a forward-thinking outlook are all necessary for integrating the future.

Being Flexible in Your Planning

The goal of future planning is to embrace flexibility and adaptability rather than strict adherence to a set course. Because life is dynamic, unanticipated events frequently cause our course to change. Setting purposeful objectives consistent with our beliefs and leaving room for modifications and course corrections is essential to integrating the future. It’s a dance between upana (flexibility) and aspiration.

The Significance of Imagination

When it comes to navigating the unknown baadaye (future), imagination serves as a compass. It gives us the ability to see possibilities outside the bounds of the situation we are in right now. We can approach the future with curiosity and expectation by cultivating an optimistic and creative mtazamo (mindset). Instead of seeing it as uncharted territory, we can see it as a blank canvas that just needs to be painted with the colors of our ndoto dreams.

Take home on Envisioning our Future:

  •  Having future objectives gives one focus and purpose.
  • A spirit of ambition is fostered by making plans for both professional and personal development.

Now, Bridging Life’s Bothers: A Comprehensive Strategy for Us

Overcoming life’s vikwazo (obstacles) requires an all-encompassing strategy that goes beyond the confines of logical thought. It entails realizing how the past, present, and future are intertwined and using their combined influence to craft a cohesive story.

1. Developing Intentionality as the Base to Bridging Life’s Bother

The practice of mindfulness lies at the heart of integrating the past, present, and future. It acts as the cornerstone upon which our deliberate and aware interaction with time is constructed. Being makini (mindful) enables us to release ourselves from the constraints of the past, fully experience the richness of the present, and see the future.

2. Learning, Living, and Planning

We must live completely in the present, make careful plans for the future, and learn from the past to overcome life’s obstacles. These three dimensions are not distinct; rather, they are entwined threads that impact one another. Planning entails imagining a future defined by our beliefs and objectives, living necessitates total immersion in the present, and learning involves drawing insights from the zamani (past).

3. Accepting Modification and Flexibility

The path of life is one of continuous change. Overcoming life’s vikwazo (obstacles) requires embracing change with flexibility. It is about facing life with a strong attitude and realizing that the only constant thing is change itself. We can traverse the unknowns of the future and build on the knowledge from the past by being adaptable.

4. Developing a Growth Mindset and Creating Meaningful Goals

Establishing significant objectives that are consistent with our principles offers a path forward. These objectives act as lighthouses, giving us direction and guidance through life’s challenges. Simultaneously, developing a growth mindset helps us to see obstacles as chances for individual and group growth, which promotes resilience and anmtazamo wa matumaini (optimistic attitude).


Integrating the past, present, and future into life’s magnificent tapestry is a dance of interwoven dimensions rather than a straight line. It necessitates a deliberate and thoughtful interaction with time, an understanding of the lessons found in the past, a gratitude for the utajiri (richness) of the present, and an optimistic outlook for the future. Weaving these temporal strands together, we produce a tapestry that is a monument to the beauty found in the continuous story of our lives—one of fulfillment, resiliency, and purpose.

Join Us as we collectively bridge life’s bothers, embracing wisdom from yesterday, living purposefully today, and paving the way for a brighter, interconnected tomorrow.

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