2 Inner Child can Influence our Decision-Making: Love & Fear

18 January 2024


The process of making decisions is frequently a complicated interaction between a range of feelings and experiences. One important factor which is frequently disregarded is the inner child (mtoto wa ndani) in Swahili.

The idea has its roots in psychology, describes the emotional and psychological fallout from childhood that influences our views and behaviors well into adulthood.

Now, let’s Disclose the Inner Child Potential: Handling Decision-Making via the Perspective of Love and Fear

 Understanding the Inner Child

It is essential to acknowledge the origins of the mtoto wa ndani (inner child) in our early years to appreciate its impact.

Whether they are positive or negative, formative or negative, childhood events have a lasting impact on our psyche, affecting our uchaguzi (decision-making) and worldview.

The feelings, ideas, and coping strategies that are established in reaction to early events are collectively referred to as the inner child, and they serve as a model for adult decision-making.

The role of love as an inner child’s influencing factor in decision-making 

Within the framework of the mtoto wa ndani, love transcends romantic or familial ties. It encompasses compassion, self-love, and the ability to make maamuzi chanya (positive decisions).

People who have a healthy inner child tend to have a strong sense of self-worth and make decisions based on their true goals. Love-inspired decision-making promotes a better mentality, which results in great outcomes and personal fulfillment.

Think about the example of a person who, instead of giving in to peer pressure, selects a professional path that aligns with their passions out of ujitambuzi (self-love). This choice, which puts one’s fulfillment and happiness ahead of social conventions.

The Role of Fear as an Inner Child Influential Factor on Decision-Making 

On the other hand, decisions made out of hofu (fear) are influenced by bad memories of traumatic events in the past or difficult situations.

When fear rules the mtoto wa ndani, avoidance, insecurity, and anxiety tend to be the driving forces behind choices. Reluctance to take chances, get into new relationships, or follow goals can all be signs of fear.

A fear-influenced person might, for example, continue in unsatisfactory employment out of dread of change or fear of failing.

Under such circumstances.

unresolved anxieties from the inner child become an impediment to personal development and the pursuit of one’s actual uwezo (potential).

Balancing Love and Fear

When making maamuzi (decisions), it takes deliberate effort and introspection to strike a harmonic balance between hofu na upendo (fear and love). Identifying fear-driven behaviors is the first step in escaping their hold.

Techniques like self-compassion, umakini (mindfulness), and therapy can help to address the underlying fears that influence one’s decision-making.

People can change how they approach decisions by intentionally choosing love over fear.

This means accepting the empowering qualities of ujitambuzi (self-love) and compassion while addressing and allaying the concerns of the inner child.

The Significance of Mindfulness

When it comes to negotiating the complex terrain of the inner child’s influence on judgment, mindfulness exercises are essential. Through the practice of umakini (mindfulness), people can become more conscious of their thoughts and feelings.

This self-awareness turns into an effective tool for identifying fear-based responses and purposefully guiding them in the direction of positivity and love.

Personal Development and Inner Child Healing 

The foundation of uponyaji wa mtoto wa ndani (healing the inner child) and personal development is accepting vulnerability. Through recognizing and approving the feelings connected to the past, people can start the process of healing. Reparenting the inner child entails providing the care and encouragement that may have been absent during their early years.

Making maamuzi (decisions) becomes a more deliberate and powerful process as the inner child recovers. The person gains the ability to put love above fear.

these cultivates an optimistic outlook that helps them get closer to their ndoto (dreams).


The mtoto wa ndani manifests as a powerful force in the complex dance of uchaguzi (decision-making).

Influencing decisions via the prisms of fear and love. Individuals can change the way they make decisions by comprehending this dynamic interaction. A more purposeful and happy life path can be attained by practicing self-love, facing fears, and adopting umakini (mindfulness). 

Today! Acknowledge past wounds, and make decisions rooted in compassion, not fear. 

To find out how we can support you in fostering your inner child, schedule a Strategy session with us.

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 I’m Yvonne, and I’m on a mission to empower souls like you to thrive with intention, self-awareness, and prosperity. From my journey as an immigrant to a thriving entrepreneur, I’ve learned that with the right support, you can achieve your dreams. My journey has not been an easy one, from leaving an abusive marriage and raising two boys in a country far from home, to a thriving professional career, being awarded a UK grant to look into systemic issues facing education, and now running a thriving business, Yvonne knows what it takes. Join Yvonne and our vibrant community as we explore the path to personal growth and intentional living. Let’s start your transformative journey. Click to learn more about our story and how we can support you on your quest for prosperity and self-awareness. Twende pamoja (Let’s go together) on this remarkable adventure!